Old Camp Meeting Days

The picture above was taken in 1962. I had just graduated from High School the year before. I never shall forget the 'Old Camp Meeting Days.' People came from all over this great nation of ours to attend the House of Prayer's Camp Meeting. Cars filled the parking lot and the 40 room dormitories were full. The services lasted for 12 days and nights, Wednesday through Sunday of the following week. Meals were served 3 times a day and they were all financed by 'Free Will Offerings.' Faith and love always found a way and no one was turned away because they had no money. God supplied all the needs of the Camp Meeting.

How I would love to go back to one of those old time services once again. Sometimes the services would last until the wee hours of the morning as folks gathered around the altar seeking God. When they found God, it changed their lives and it lasted a lifetime. Sometimes I get homesick for those old Camp Meeting Services. If there isn't a Tabernacle on the hills of Glory, I'm going to ask God if I can build one.

Memories of the Old Camp Meeting Days

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